How to Get a Pet Insurance Quote?
You can get a pet insurance quote on our website in only a few steps, but in addition to some basic information about yourself – such as name, email and address -, you’ll need to know some details about your pet in advance as well, whether it is a dog or a cat that you would like to insure.
To be able to run a pet insurance quote, you will be asked about if your pet is a pedigree or not, their date of birth, breed (or their size), sex and colour. Also, if they have been neutered, microchipped and how much you paid for your pet.
You will not need to know your pets’ microchip number but will need this detail if you do take out a policy and make claim.
- Award Winning Insurance Provider
- Multi-Pet Discount*
- We Can/Will Pay Vets Directly
- Choice of 3 Cover Levels
- Easy Claims Process
- No Extra Cost to Pay Monthly
* may be subject to minimum premiums